Michel Kazatchkine

Michel Kazatchkine

Commission mondiale sur les drogues

Envoyé spécial de l’ONU pour le VIH/sida en Europe orientale et Asie centrale.

Ancien directeur du Fonds mondial de lutte contre le sida, la tuberculose et le paludisme.

Président de Pistes, l'association éditant Vih.org, Transcriptases et Swaps.

Ses publications (5)

Swaps Europe 1 : Harm Reduction in Practice

In its first ever European issue, Swaps reports on the state of harm reduction across the Europe Union and offers multi-country European perspectives from experts in the field. Despite having been a pioneer in harm reduction and in promoting evidence-based policies, Europe and many of its member states remain ambiguous with regard to drug policy, the dogma of prohibition, criminalization of drug use, priority for health and the role of law enforcement.